Sunday, July 4, 2010

Colorfury launches a series of instructional videos for Innovative Credit Consultants

Colorfury in tandem with the extremely talented video artist Kris Arias, have launched a series of several videos which contain instructional tips for repairing your credit. The series was prepared for client Innovative Credit Consultants. Copyright 2010. Produced by colorfury and


  1. very good article , good to see the works done be colorfury, simply loved the article

  2. the videos launching is the best innovative thing to promote and make people know about it

  3. very detailed info about colorfly...i loved the way they are promoting instructional videos

  4. Instructional video for innovative credit consultants will help reader to choose the right credit consultants. Good job for colorfury

  5. I agree with Brijesh that idea of videos launching by colorfury is really innovative and best way to tell people about the things.Instruction videos are really helpful in these case.
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